Home Delivery Pharmacy Program

Quick Info:

You can now receive certain prescriptions AT HOME at NO COST to you!

The Complete Health & Wellness Center now offers a Home Delivery Pharmacy Program. At the provider's discretion, patients who are prescribed certain preventive/chronic medications by the  Complete Health & Wellness Center may now be eligible to receive them directly to their home at NO COST!

How does it work?

How much will the medications cost?

Medications delivered to your home through the Home Delivery Pharmacy Program will be at no cost to you. 

Which medications are available?

Premise Health offers an expanded formulary for preventive/chronic use medications which cover most of the commonly encountered conditions such as: hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, cardiac conditions, etc.

The Home Delivery Pharmacy Program also gives the Complete Health & Wellness Center provider options to offer therapeutic alternatives to the more costly medications that some patients are currently being prescribed. Only medications present on the formulary list are eligible for the Home Delivery Pharmacy Program.